Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocals

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums
Well I\'m a down to my last dime yes I got noth-in to d-o-o guess I\'ll put it in the juke-box ba-by and play my-self a lit-tle tune all I see on the num-bers are a fun-ky tu-nes what a hap-pen to the good old rock n roll days did they go a-way too s-o-on oh ye-es si-ir well I use to live in the coun-try right by my se-lf I was raised on blue-grass, rock n roll and the bules as well all I see on the dancin\' floor is the dan-cin\' m-a-n with his high heel shoes and his dis-co blues lo-rd ain\'t he cool see him out there on the flo-or dan-cin\' till he can\'t take it no more but to-mor-row night well he\'ll be back a-ga-i-n and don\'t cha know he\'s the dan-cin\' man ah w-o-o-o-e Oh just play it for me So if your down to your last dime and you got not-hin\' to do don\'t waste your time just a run-nin\' a-round a buy-in\' dis-co shoes and don\'t worry about the bad times cause their all the s-a-me put your blue jeans on grab your red neck woman and play the rock and roll game see him out there on the flo-or dan-cin\' till he can\'t take it no more but to-mor-row night well he\'ll be back a-ga-i-n and don\'t cha know he\'s the dan-cin\' man ah ah ah who-o-o-o-o oo shake it pick-er